その他 - 出版物・論文一覧

  • Yamada S, Lee ES, Samtani RR, Lockett E, Uwabe C, Shiota K, Anderson SA, Lo CW. Developmental atlas of the early first trimester human embryo. Dev Dyn, 2010 Jun;239(6):1585-95.

  • Ayman A, Funatomi T, Mihon M, Elnomery Z, Okada T, Togashi K, Sakai T, Yamada S. New region growing segmentation technique for MR images with weak boundaries. IEICE Technical Report 2010 Nov;110:71-76.

  • Komada M, Fujiyama F, Yamada S, Shiota K, Nagao T. Methylnitrosourea Induces Neural Progenitor Cell Apoptosis and Microcephaly in Mouse Embryos. Birth Defects Res B Dev Reprod Toxicol. 2010 Jun 10;89(3):213-222.

  • Bleyl SB, Saijoh Y, Bax NA, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Wisse LJ, Chapman SC, Hunter J, Shiratori H, Hamada H, Yamada S, Shiota K, Klewer SE, Leppert MF, Schoenwolf GC. Dysregulation of the PDGFRA gene causes inflow tract anomalies including TAPVR: integrating evidence from human genetics and model organisms. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Apr 1;19(7):1286-301. Epub 2010 Jan 13.

  • Shiota K, Yamada S. Early pathogenesis of holoprosencephaly. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet, 2010 Jan;154(1):22-28.

  • Kimura S, Saitsu H, Schaumann BA, Shiota K, Matsumoto N, Ishibashi M. Rudimentary claws and pigmented nail-like structures on the distal tips of the digits of Wnt7a mutant mice: Wnt7A suppresses nail-like structure development in mice. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2010 Jun;88(6):487

  • 塩田浩平、山田重人、土屋真衣子、巨瀬勝美 「MR顕微鏡とepiscopic fluorescence image capture (EFIC)法を用いたヒト胚子のイメージング ―中枢神経系を中心にー」小児の脳神経35(1): 7-10, 2010

  • Katsuya S, Yamada S, Ukita M, Nishimura H, Matsumura N, Fukuhara K, Sato Y, Shiota K, Konishi I. Isolated Levocardia: Prenatal diagnosis and management. Congenit Anom (Kyoto). 2009 Jun;49(2):56-60.

  • Shiota K, Yamada S. Intrauterine environment-genome interaction and children’s development (3): Assisted reproductive technologies and developmental disorders. J Toxicol Sci. 2009;34 Suppl 2:SP287-91.

  • Dhanantwari P, Lee ES, Yamada S, Anderson SA, Lockett E, Samtani RR, Donofrio M, Shiota K, Leatherbury L, Lo CW. Human cardiac development in the first trimester: A High Resolution MRI and Episcopic Fluorescence Image Capture AtlasCirculation. 2009 Jul 28;120(4):343-51.